Prosthetically Guided Regeneration (PGR) in the posterior maxilla.
The Situation
The 60 years-old female patient’s chief complaint was represented by unsatisfactory esthetics and function, related to loss of multiple maxillary teeth. Her request focused on improving esthetics and function by means of a fixed reconstruction. The patient presented 5 residual anterior maxillary teeth (from 13 to 22) that could be maintained. After preliminary periodontal diagnosis and treatment, specific diagnostic steps for implant treatment demonstrated inadequate bone volume for implant placement.
The Approach
Bi-lateral sinus lift with Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® and horizontal bone augmentation with a 1:1 mix of autogenous bone and Geistlich Bio-Oss® were performed 6 months prior to implant placement, following a Prosthetically Guided Regenerative (PGR) approach. The augmented sites were protected with Geistlich Bio-Gide® stabilized with titanium pins. The template utilized for radiographic diagnosis and GBR was then used to guide the implants placement.
The Outcome
After a healing period of 6 months, adequate bone volume was achieved for the placement of 5 implants. Geistlich Fibro-Gide® was also used to optimize soft tissue volume at the buccal aspect of implants. Implants were early loaded with a temporary screw-retained fixed prostheses 6 weeks after placement. The final prosthetic reconstruction included ceramic veneers of the frontal residual teeth and zirconium-ceramic screw retained fixed prostheses on implants.
Keys to Success
- Open communication with the patient and expectations management
- Prosthetically Guided Regeneration (PGR): use of the same template from the preliminary prosthetic project to the actual bone augmentation
- Prosthetically guided implant placement for a correct implant positioning and restoration
- Geistlich Biomaterials for a predictable regeneration