Multiple recession coverage in the maxilla
BioBrief- Soft Tissue Regeneration
The Situation
The patient is a healthy, 60-year-old female who presented to our clinic with a chief complaint of progressive gum recession which had led to compromised esthetics and sensitivity involving the maxillary left lateral incisor (#10), canine (#11), and first bicuspid (#12) teeth. The teeth in question had 3-4 mm of gingival recession on the buccal surface with a sufficient zone of keratinized gingiva. These teeth also had obvious cervical abrasion.
The Approach
Treatment goals for this case were to obtain complete root coverage, increase soft tissue thickness, and reduce/eliminate cervical sensitivity. A split-thickness envelope flap approach was used. Geistlich Fibro-Gide® was then trimmed, hydrated with saline, and placed over the exposed root surfaces. The flap was coronally advanced in a tension-free manner to completely cover the biomaterial and exposed root surfaces.
The Outcome
This case nicely shows that the result following root coverage surgery to treat multiple adjacent teeth using a volume-stable collagen matrix is comparable to that seen with autologous connective tissue. At 1.5 years, there is continued stability of the treated site (see image to left). The tissue appears healthy and firm. The patient‘s chief complaints of esthetics and sensitivity have been addressed and the patient is maintaining excellent oral hygiene and home care.
Keys to Success
- Optimal case selection – patient factors, defect factors, and operator factors.
- Root planing of exposed root surfaces to reduce prominences.
- Careful flap design and split-thickness elevation.
- Proper handling and placement of Geistlich Fibro-Gide®.
- Tension-free coronal advancement of buccal flap to completely cover the biomaterial and root surfaces.
- Meticulous suturing technique.