A step-by-step case with Geistlich Fibro-Gide® enriched with clinical advice

Root coverage with a collagen matrix

Dr. Igancio Sanz Sánchez · Spain
 · July 07, 2021

BioBrief - Soft Tissue Regeneration

The Situation

This is a 28-year-old woman, non-somker, who came to our clinic reporting sensitivity to cold in the first quadrant. From the periodontal point of view the patient presented a plaque induced localized gingivitis without probing depths greater than 3 mm. After performing a dental prophylaxis the patient presented localized gingival recessions in teeth 1.4, 1.3 and 1.2 associated to a traumatic brushing vertical technique.


The Approach

To completely cover the three gingival recessions using a coronally advanced flap for multiple recessions together with a volume-stable collagen matrix (Geistlich Fibro-Gide®). Apart from root coverage we expected to thicken the gingiva with a complete mimicry with the adjacent tissues.


The Outcome

The results of this case have met the patient expectations. The use of mucogingigival approach together with a soft-tissue substitute have been able to achieve root coverage and to halt teeth sensitivity. Moreover, the collagen matrix has allowed to increase the soft-tissue thickness avoiding a second surgical area.


Keys to Success

  • Flap management
  • Tension free flap closure
  • Trimming of the matrix
  • Good plaque control

About the author

Dr. Igancio Sanz Sánchez | Spain

Dr. Ignacio Sanz Sánchez works as an associated professor in the University Complutense of Madrid. He studied the Postgraduate program of Periodontics and dental implants adhered to the European Federation of Periodontology, which today he is coordinating. He obtained his PhD in the same University and currently he is member of the executive board of the Spanish Society of Periodontology.